Leg lengthening: Lengthening of the thigh and/or lower leg – how much pain does the patient experience?

Dr. Axel Becker is a specialist in leg lengthening, a specialist in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, a specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery and carries out cosmetic leg lengthenings in his special clinic in Freiburg. For this purpose – only here – a minimally invasive leg lengthening method BETZBONE®, developed by him and unique in the world, is used.

Pain during leg extension – a big, important issue for every patient. Dr. med. A. Becker: “It’s important to me that my patients are well informed when it comes to pain. That’s why I treat this topic in detail without sugarcoating anything.”

Read about when and what kind of pain you should expect when leg lengthening.

Leg lengthening is not painless

Cosmetic leg lengthening is a surgical procedure that involves cutting the bone in the thigh or lower leg area. In the Freiburg special clinic, an innovative technology that is unique in the world is used for leg lengthening. BETZBONE is an extension implant that allows patients to carry out the extension independently using a click mechanism and thus gain height.

In many different videos and blog posts, interested parties and patients can find out in great detail how exactly this procedure is used and what results can be expected. 

But back to the topic, “is leg lengthening painful?” Leg lengthening is certainly not painless. In plain language, pain must be expected when leg lengthening. How severe this pain is or is felt and how severely patients are affected varies greatly and is very individual. In many conversations with patients, I always notice how big the differences are in the perception of pain. “Easily bearable, just bearable, almost unbearable.” As a doctor, I am confronted with all types of pain.

Also important: pain/pain phases in the thigh area differ significantly compared to the lower leg area.

Leg extension thigh – when does which pain occur?

During thigh lengthening, the origin of the pain, the period of pain and the character of the pain can be well defined.

“Pain Peak 1”: Occurs immediately after surgery.

Pain usually occurs not on the day of the operation, but the day after the operation. We are talking about classic surgical or operative pain. The surgical pain is a so-called “sharp pain”. The operation causes swelling, wound pain, muscle pain and bone pain. Of course, patients receive adequate painkillers in this and every subsequent phase and are quickly mobilized.

Good to know

On the first day after the operation, patients who have just been operated on walk with forearm crutches.

Medical side effect

Due to the patient’s mobility, any swelling and edema that occurs decreases more quickly.


With appropriate pain medication, patients have already overcome the first pain peak on day 4 and reach the so-called “happy valley”. The pain from the operation subsides noticeably. The pain level drops to a low level. Patients are becoming more mobile every day.

Overcome – after the first pain peak, the extension phase begins

After the first pain peak, the extension phase begins. The muscles around the bones are still flexible. However, with every lengthening process, with every extension click, the tension in the muscles increases. When the muscle tension reaches its peak (figuratively; like a taut guitar string), the muscle pain/tension pain also increases, which patients experience as a second pain peak.

In contrast to the “sharp” surgical pain, this pain is rather dull (background pain) and resembles severe 24-hour muscle soreness. However, many patients find this pain very disturbing and mentally exhausting.

The patient can counteract this tension pain with continuous stretching exercises.

This pain peak usually occurs at approximately 1 – 1.5 centimeters of extension. However, the timing can be pushed back a little by good pre-stretching. In patients with a lot of muscle mass, tension pain also occurs earlier.

“The timing of the tension pain depends largely on the pre-stretching and the starting point of muscle flexibility and muscle mass.”

In summary

Muscle tension builds up as the legs are lengthened. This causes pain. This pain can be reduced to a tolerable level by consistent stretching and absorbing (dissolving) the tension. Of course, patients also receive appropriate painkillers for all types of pain.

Pain when extending the lower leg

The pain peaks and pain phases in the lower leg area differ from the thigh area. Reason: Lengthening the lower leg areas is surgically much more complex. Two bones each have to be cut and connected together. In plain language: the operation takes much longer. This also extends the regeneration after the lower leg operation (approx. 4-6 weeks). Patients can walk with forearm crutches from day 1 or day 2. Nevertheless, the first phase of pain during lower leg lengthening is much more intense compared to thigh lengthening. The second phase of pain (tension pain), on the other hand, usually occurs later in the lower leg area, with an extension of approx. 2 – 2.5 centimeters.

Good to know: It is extremely important for lower leg patients to remain mobile. This accelerates bone growth and at the same time supports the resolution of tension/pain.

Pain, lower leg extension summarized

  • The pain phase after surgery in the lower leg area is significantly longer compared to thigh patients.
  • The tension pain phase occurs later and is flatter compared to thigh patients.
  • Tension must be released by the patient himself – this is done with appropriate stretching exercises.
  • Phases of pain are always accompanied with appropriate painkillers.


Do you have any questions for us? Get in touch with our clinic. By email or telephone.


"Wir setzen einzigartige Standards im Fachbereich Beinverlängerung. Weltweit."

Dr. med. Axel Becker, Spezialist für ästhetische Beinverlängerung

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