Gait pattern during leg lengthening – this is how leg lengthening patients walk after the procedure

Dr. Axel Becker is a specialist in leg lengthening, a specialist in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, a specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery and carries out cosmetic leg lengthenings in his special clinic in Freiburg. For this purpose – only here – a minimally invasive leg lengthening method BETZBONE®, developed by him and unique in the world, is used.

As a doctor, I am often asked the question “how can I walk during leg lengthening” and “how mobile am I during leg lengthening?” It is important to me that my patients have a very clear idea of ​​what is possible in terms of mobility. Here you will find out specifically:

1. What the gait pattern looks like during the leg lengthening process.

2. How to train the mobility of leg lengthening patients.

Gait pattern, forearm crutches, alternating step – this is how we train with leg lengthening patients

First, the basics that you need to know regarding gait after/during leg lengthening:

After the operation in the thigh area, patients are mobilized in the clinic. So that they can walk with forearm supports. The goal: A safe gait within 14 days using alternating steps and crutches. By the way: Patients with a body weight of 85 + kilograms train with forearm crutches; for lighter patients, the supports are gradually removed.

Good to know: In the Freiburg special clinic for leg lengthening by Dr. Becker does not operate on patients weighing more than 100 kg.

If the alternating step works reliably, the forearm crutches are turned over. Effect: There is more weight on the legs. The forearm crutches are now only used for stabilization when walking. So the first important phase has been completed.

Second training phase – switching from forearm crutches to walking sticks/free walking

With the switch to hiking poles as a walking aid, the main body weight is on the legs. The factor “stabilization of the gait” is important now.

But, walking with hiking poles is the prerequisite for “free walking” training, i.e. walking without poles and forearm crutches. Read what exactly is important for free walking training in the next section.

Training “free walking after leg lengthening” is important

In order to train free walking after leg lengthening with weight-bearing nails, the following aspects are important:

First, patients need a point of reference. We recommend walking training in front of a mirror so that patients can fully see themselves while walking.

Secondly, for a better understanding of what happens after leg lengthening, the following background knowledge is important:

Dr. med. A. Becker explains

“You have to imagine the following: When I do a thigh lengthening, I am practically fragmenting the skeletal system of the body. So there is an upper and a lower thigh area. Both areas are now only connected by the distraction nail. Now the nail in the bone is always subject to micro movements . These movements cannot be prevented, regardless of how firmly I install the nail. The micro-movements and the resulting instability cause patients to feel unsteady when walking. I will explain how this uncertainty arises in the next section – so keep at it.

Why do leg lengthening patients feel unsteady when walking?

With a normal gait, the body’s center of gravity is always between the legs. If the thigh or lower leg is fragmented and is subject to micro-movements between the nail and the bone, this leads to an unsteady feeling when walking. The patient has the feeling – the illusion – that the floor is moving.

You know the same illusion when traveling by train: you sit in a stationary train and the neighboring train starts moving. This creates the illusion that you are leading backwards. That’s exactly what the head does to leg lengthening patients: it feels unsteady when standing on the supporting leg. The patient feels that the floor is moving. And then everyone does what is logical: the center of gravity is shifted over the supporting leg in order to be safe. The upper body tilts slightly to the side and balances the uncertainty. A completely normal process.

Body center of gravity training is an important point when it comes to gait, until the gap in the upper or lower leg area is fixed and overgrown. (8 to 12 weeks after stopping the extension phase).

Good to know: As specialists in leg lengthening with the BETZBONE extension nail, our focus is on ensuring that patients maintain a normal gait during the lengthening procedure.

"Wir setzen einzigartige Standards im Fachbereich Beinverlängerung. Weltweit."

Dr. med. Axel Becker, Spezialist für ästhetische Beinverlängerung

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